- What are the differences between Python 2 and Python 3?
- List out popular package managers for Python.
- What are Python’s built-in data types?
- What is the difference between =, == and === in Python?
- How to create a dictionary in Python?
- What is the difference between a list and a tuple?
- What is a module and how to import a module in Python?
- How to remove duplicates from a list?
- How to slice a list in Python?
- What are the different ways to iterate over a list?
- What is the difference between pop and remove along with append and extend in a list?
- What is a named tuple and what is tuple unpacking in Python?
- What is a lambda function, give an example.
- What are *args and **kwargs in Python?
- How to handle exceptions in Python?
- What is the difference between break and continue?
- How is the pass statement is used in Python?
- What is with statement used for?
- What is the purpose of the help() in Python?
- How to check the type of a variable in Python?
- What is the difference between keys(), values(), and items() in a dictionary?
- What is the difference between split() and join()?
- How to swap the values of two variables in Python?
- How to join a list of characters into a string?
- What is the purpose of the format() in strings?
- How to reverse a string in Python?
- Format a string using the % operator?
- How to list all files in a directory using Python?
- What is the difference between r, w, a and b modes when opening a file?
- What is the readline() used for?
- What is PEP 8?
- How to ensure code compatibility between Python 2 and 3?
- What is a list comprehension in Python?
- How to manage dependencies in Python projects? Discuss about pip, virtualenv and pipenv.
- What are Python’s data model methods (dunder methods) or magic methods? Provide examples of commonly used dunder methods and their purposes.
- How to create a class in Python?
- What are the differences between static, class, and instance in Python?
- How to use super() in Python?
- What is the difference between a decorator and a generator in Python?
- What is GIL in Python?
- Explain the differences between synchronous, asynchronous, and concurrent programming in Python.
- What is multithreading and multiprocessing? How to use it in Python?
- Explain the use of the inspect module in Python. How can it be used to introspect live objects?
- What are Python’s type hints and how can they be used to improve code readability and maintenance?
- Create a custom exception in Python?
- How to handle multiple exceptions in a single try block?
- What is the finally block used for?
- What is a shallow copy and deep copy in python?
- What are Python’s context managers and how to use them to manage resources?
- What is the difference between == and is?
- What is the difference between yield, print and return?
- What is the use of the global keyword?
- What are Python’s built-in functions map, filter and reduce used for? Provide examples.
- How to use the zip in Python?
- Explain the purpose of Python’s collections module and provide examples of its usage.
- What is the itertools module?
- How to serialize and deserialize objects in Python? Discuss the pickle module and alternatives like json and yaml.
- What are Python’s built-in functions for working with files and directories?
- What are file descriptors and how are they used in Python?
- How to execute shell commands in Python?
- Explain the differences between Python’s list comprehension and generator expression.
- How to implement a singleton pattern in Python? Discuss different approaches.
- Explain the purpose of Python’s logging module and how to use it for debugging and logging.
- Explain the concepts of duck typing and EAFP (Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than Permission) in Python.
- What are abstract base classes (ABCs) in Python and how to use them?
- How to handle concurrent programming in Python?
- Explain how Python’s asyncio module enables asynchronous programming and provide examples of its usage.
- What are coroutines in Python? How do they differ from normal functions and how are they used with async and await?
- Explain the difference between concurrency and parallelism in Python.
- What are mixins in Python? How do they differ from normal classes?
- What are metaclasses and how to use in Python?
- What is the dataclasses module in Python? How does it help in creating classes? Provide an example.
- Explain the concept of metaprogramming in Python and provide examples of how it can be used.
- What are the differences between Python’s datetime and time modules and when to use each?
- Describe the method resolution order (MRO) in Python. How does Python handle multiple inheritance?
- Explain how Python’s garbage collection works and what strategies can be used to manage memory effectively.
- How to use chain and cycle from itertools?
- Explain the purpose of the functools module in Python. Provide examples of common functions like lru_cache, partial and reduce from this module to enhance code readability and efficiency.
- How to profile and optimize Python code for performance using tools like cProfile and line_profiler?
- How to work with raw byte data in Python and what are the advantages of using the struct module?
- Explain the use of Python’s re module for regular expressions and provide examples of its usage.
- What are Python closures and how do they work? Provide examples.
- Explain how Python’s argparse module can be used to parse command-line arguments.
- What are context managers in Python? How to implement custom context managers using the contextlib module?
- Explain the concept of memoization. How can it be implemented in Python?
- Explain the concept of method overloading and method overriding in Python. How are they implemented?
- Explain the concept of monkey patching in Python. What are its advantages and potential risks?
- What are some best practices for packaging and distributing Python projects using tools like setuptools and pip?
- How to use the os module to interact with the filesystem in Python?
- How to interface with C libraries using ctypes?
-Thank you, happy coding !!