- What is PHP?
- How do you install PHP?
- What are the basic syntax rules in PHP?
- How do you declare a variable in PHP?
- What are the data types in PHP?
- How can you concatenate strings in PHP?
- Explain the difference between == and === in PHP?
- What is the purpose of the $_GET and $_POST arrays in PHP?
- How do you connect to a MySQL database in PHP?
- What is the use of the session in PHP?
- Explain the difference between include and require in PHP?
- What is an autoloader in PHP?
- How can you handle file uploads in PHP?
- Explain the concept of namespaces in PHP?
- What is Composer, and how is it used in PHP?
- How does PHP differ from other programming languages?
- Can you explain the difference between a variable and a constant in PHP?
- What is the opening and closing tags used in PHP?
- How do you comment code in PHP?
- Explain the use of the semicolon in PHP.
- What are the different data types supported by PHP?
- How do you declare and initialize a variable in PHP?
- What is the difference between single quotes and double quotes for string literals?
- What are the various types of loops in PHP?
- How does the “if-else” statement work in PHP?
- Can you explain the “switch” statement in PHP?
- How do you define a function in PHP?
- What is the purpose of parameters and return values in a function?
- Explain the difference between “echo” and “return” in PHP functions.
- How do you create an array in PHP?
- What is the difference between indexed and associative arrays?
- Can you demonstrate how to loop through an array in PHP?
- How do you open and read from a file in PHP?
- Explain the process of writing data to a file using PHP.
- What is the purpose of the “file_exists” function in PHP?
- How does PHP handle errors and exceptions?
- What is the purpose of the “try-catch” block in PHP?
- How can you display detailed error messages during development without exposing them in production?
- How do you connect to a database in PHP?
- Explain the difference between SQL injection and prepared statements.
- What is the purpose of the PDO extension in PHP?
- What are some common security vulnerabilities in PHP applications?
- How can you sanitize user input to prevent security issues?
- Explain the concept of session management in PHP?
-Thank you, happy coding !!