- How is ASP.NET different from ASP.NET Core?
- How to register services in core project?
- DI in core & service lifetimes?
- Authentication in .net core?
- Explain startup.cs methods?
- What is middleware?
- Life cycle of asp.net core application?
- DI life cycle?
- What are the key differences between .NET Framework and .NET Core?
- Explain the middleware pipeline in ASP.NET Core?
- How do you implement authentication and authorization in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the purpose of the IHostedService interface in .NET Core?
- How do you configure dependency injection in ASP.NET Core?
- Explain the difference between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Forms.
- What is the role of the Startup class in ASP.NET Core?
- How do you configure middleware in ASP.NET Core?
- What is dependency injection and how is it implemented in ASP.NET Core?
- Explain the concept of routing in ASP.NET Core?
- How to validate the request params in middleware?
- Difference between app.use, app.run?
- What is ShortCircuit and MapShortCircuit?
- What is endpoint routing?
- How to implement terminal middleware?
- Difference between Map, MapGet?
- What is the use of RequestDelegate?
- Differences between MapWhen and UseWhen?
- How do you implement data protection?
- What are tag helpers in ASP.NET Core?
- How do you handle exceptions in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the difference between IActionResult and ActionResult?
- How do you implement authentication and authorization in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the purpose of appsettings.json file?
- Explain the concept of model binding in ASP.NET Core.
- What are Razor Pages and how do they differ from MVC?
- How do you implement logging in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the purpose of ViewComponents in ASP.NET Core?
- Explain the concept of Entity Framework Core.
- How do you create and use middleware in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the difference between ViewData, ViewBag, and TempData?
- How do you implement caching in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the purpose of Kestrel server in ASP.NET Core?
- Explain the concept of SignalR in ASP.NET Core.
- How do you handle file uploads in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the difference between HttpGet and HttpPost attributes?
- How do you implement globalization and localization in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the purpose of IHostingEnvironment interface?
- Explain the concept of filters in ASP.NET Core.
- How do you secure an ASP.NET Core application?
- What is the difference between AddMvc and AddControllersWithViews?
- How do you implement custom validation in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the purpose of IApplicationBuilder interface?
- Explain the concept of Web API in ASP.NET Core.
- How do you implement versioning in ASP.NET Core Web API?
- What is the purpose of IServiceCollection interface?
- How do you implement health checks in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the difference between Singleton, Scoped, and Transient lifetimes?
- How do you implement background tasks in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the purpose of IConfiguration interface?
- Explain the concept of gRPC in ASP.NET Core.
- How do you implement response compression in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the purpose of IWebHostBuilder interface?
- How do you implement HTTPS redirection in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the difference between IFormFile and IFormCollection?
- How do you implement custom middleware in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the purpose of IActionFilter interface?
- How do you implement API documentation using Swagger in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the difference between ModelState.IsValid and TryValidateModel?
- How do you implement cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) in ASP.NET Core?
- What is the purpose of IUrlHelper interface?
- How do you implement dependency injection in ASP.NET Core?
- Explain the concept of Blazor in ASP.NET Core.
Posted inASP.NET CORE Interview Questions