- What is Abstract class?
- Can we do the inheritance with the combination of Abstract and Interface?
- About multiple inheritance?
- Use of genarics?
- SOLID Principles?
- Depandancy Injection?
- Partial class?
- Can we create the object for Abstract class & Reason?
- Do we have constructor in Abstract?
- Can we declare the properties and variables in Abstract?
- Default access modifiers for class and class members ?
- Why do we have to impliment SOLID Principles , Interface and abstract classes in proramming?
- Repository pattern?
- Use of Interfaces and we have 2 interfaces with 2 same method names, how will you invoke 2nd interface method?
- Diff b/w arraylist and list?
- Who will write boxing and unboxing using arraylist?
- Examples on ref and out keywords?
- LINQ query to know salary is greater than 1000?
- Difference between static and singleton
- OOPS Concept? brief on polymorphism?
- Refactoring in C#?
- C# current version?
- Difference b/w abstract and interface with scenarios ?
- What is repository ?
- Why interfaces(How internally it works)?
- Over loading and overriding?
- Realtime example on abstraction and encapsulation?
- Readonly and constant?
- Differenceerence between Value type and reference type?
- Garbage Collector?
- Difference between dinctionary and hashtable ?
- What is copy constructor?
- Reverse a string word “welcome to” to “emoclew ot”
- What is Global Assembly Cache ?
- What is Encapsulation?
- Write a program to show polymorphism?
- Write a program to find 5 factorial?
- Difference between constant and read only?
- Difference between Value type and reference type?
- What is interface? why we call it interface why not we can call it a class?
- Function Overloading Vs Function Overriding?
- What are Extension methods?
- Design Patterns(Abstract and Factory)?
- IEnumerable vs IEnumerator?
- Constructors and types?
- What is stuff functions?
- Multiple catch block? then which block will fire first?
- Examples of Polymorphism other than Overloading and overriding?
- Can GAC be same name ?
- Can we define protected members in interface?
- IDispose vs finalizer()?
- Use of Static Class and Methods?
- What is LinQ and differ from foreach? Namespace for LinQ, Can we use LinQ on DataSet?
- What is CLR?
- Difference between var and dynamic?
- Explain scenarios for async, await?
- Lazy loading?
- Can we inherit static class?
- What if we don’t use sealed, can we restrict the multiple object creation by just using private constructor?
- Generics and Non Generics?
- Approaches in EFW?
- What is DB context?
- Transaction management?
- How to create custom method for string?
- Scenarios of singleton class?
- Thread life cycle?
- Difference between arraylist and array?
- Boxing and Unboxing?
- What is override?
- Difference between Virtual, Override and new ?
- Does csharp support multiple Inheritence?
- Does over loading has different return types?
- Difference between Idispose and Ifinalise?
- What is exception?
- Explain the concept of async/await in C#. How does it work under the hood?
- What are some common pitfalls to avoid when using async/await in C#?
- How can I handle exceptions in async methods effectively?
- What are the performance implications of using async/await in C#?
- What is the difference between IEnumerable<T> and IQueryable<T>?
- What are extension methods and how are they used?
- Explain the difference between Task and ValueTask. When would you use one over the other?
- What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface?
- Explain the concept of polymorphism in C#. Provide an example.
- What are the different types of inheritance in C#?
- How does C# support encapsulation?
- What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding?
- Can you explain the Singleton pattern and how to implement it in C#?
- What is the Repository pattern and why is it useful?
- Explain the Dependency Injection pattern. How is it implemented in C#?
- What is the Factory pattern? Provide an example of its usage.
- Describe the Observer pattern and provide a C# example.
- What are some best practices for exception handling in C#?
- How do you ensure thread safety in a multi-threaded C# application?
- What are some common performance optimization techniques in C#?
- How do you manage memory in C#? Explain the concept of garbage collection.
- What are some best practices for writing unit tests in C#?
- What is reflection in C# and how is it used?
- Explain the concept of delegates and events in C#. Provide an example.
- What are generics in C# and why are they useful?
- What is LINQ and how does it work? Provide an example of a LINQ query.
- Explain the concept of dependency properties in WPF.
- What is Entity Framework and how does it work?
- Explain the difference between Code First, Database First, and Model First approaches in Entity Framework.
- How do you handle migrations in Entity Framework Core?
- What are some performance considerations when using Entity Framework?
- How do you implement lazy loading and eager loading in Entity Framework?
- Write a method to reverse a string in C#.
- Implement a simple linked list in C#.
- Write a method to find the nth Fibonacci number using recursion and iteration.
- Implement a basic CRUD operation using Entity Framework Core.
- Write a method to check if a given string is a palindrome.
Posted inC Sharp Interview Questions