BLAZOR – Interview Questions & Tips

  1. What is Blazor?
  2. What language do you typically use to author Blazor components?
  3. Can we use existing JavaScript libraries with Blazor?
  4. How to implement session in BLAZOR?
  5. Difference between BLAZOR SERVER and WASM?
  6. BLAZOR life cycle?
  7. Blazor components are typically authored using what coding language? C# or Razor?
  8. Blazor components are interactive (can handle UI events) by default?
  9. How to show table data in Blazor?
  10. What is use of StreamRendering?
  11. What is RenderModerInteractiveAuto?
  12. Blazor project folder structure?
  13. How do we maintain Web Socket connection?
  14. How to import QuickGrid?
  15. Routes in Blazor?
  16. How to pass URL parms?
  17. What is namespace in page?
  18. When we use @inject, @attribute?
  19. Difference between render mode InteractiveWebAssembly, InteractiveServer, Auto?
  20. How do we add service to DI?
  21. What is the use of AddInteractiveServerComponents, AddInteractiveWebAssemblyComponents?
  22. Default start execution in Blazor?
  23. What is the use of main layout?
  24. What are components in Blazor?
  25. What is the use of Routes.razor?
  26. Where we can add HeadOutlet, HeadOutlet in Blazor?
  27. What is PaginationState?
  28. How to implement pagination?
  29. When to use SupplyParameterFromForm?
  30. What is [Parameter]?
  31. Use of EditForm?
  32. Explain the NavigationManager?
  33. What does MapBlazorHub do?
  34. What are Razor Components?
  35. How Blazor renders Razor Components?
  36. Can we call Blazor razor page in MVC?
  37. What are Route parameters?
  38. How do you allow Null values in Route parameters?
  39. Route Constraints?
  40. What is RenderFragment?
  41. What is the use of CascadingParameter?
  42. How to Handle Errors in Blazor?
  43. What is the use of IDisposable?
  44. How do we call JavaScript function from Blazor Components?
  45. What are the Form Validations?

-Thank you, happy coding !!


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